Monday 1 June 2015

Math in Japanese: Multiplication

Learn Japanese online free It's that time again! More numbers! More Math! This time, you're going up to the thousands in Japanese and there are going to be some pronunciation changes again. Nothing you can't already handle, right? Let's get started!

First, here's a look at the word for "thousand"


Once again, by adding the numbers 2 to 9 in front of it, you will get larger numbers the exact same way as you did with  (juu) and  (hyaku). For example,  二千 (ni sen) would be "two thousand".

But again, there are some pronunciation differences you need to be aware of.
三千 becomes さんぜん (sanzen), and 八千 becomes はっせん (hassen).
Now back to the math stuff. Here's how to say "multiply" in Japanese.

Learn math in Japanese

As always, the equations are said in the same order they would be in English and using (pronounced "wa") to say "equals". Here are some examples of Japanese multiplication for you to take a look at:

Five times one equals five / 五掛ける一は五 

Six times eight equals fourty-two / 六掛ける八は四十二 

Ten times twelve equals one hundred twenty / 十掛ける十二は百二十 

Seven times five hundred equals three thousand five hundred / 七掛ける五百は三千五百

As usual, here are some more equations for you to try out on your own.
  1. 2 x 2
  2. 6  x 13
  3. 22 x 5
  4. 33 x 55
  5. 9 x 150
  6. 300 x 24
You've really come a long way. The next post will be our last equation word (for now...) before moving on to the next topic in learning Japanese. Be sure to practice everyday and feel free to look up more math equations for extra practice!

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