Tuesday 26 May 2015

Math in Japanese: Subtraction

Learn Japanese numbers
It's time for more numbers in Japanese and that means another math word so you can practice your numbers! You're going to go up to the hundreds but you have to look out for two changes pronunciation this time.

Sunday 24 May 2015

Math in Japanese: Addition

For the 25th Japanese Word of the Day, I wanted to do something special for you! I know for a lot of people, numbers in Japanese are very basic and you've heard it all before so let's mix it in with how to say some math equations in Japanese.

Wednesday 20 May 2015

Word of the Day #24

An easy way to learn Japanese online
There's been a lot of hype  in Japan over a comedy duo named クマムシ (KUMAMUSHI) for their musical comedy sketches performed in a Japanese Idol style. The title of one of their songs published by Universal Music Japan will be our focus for today.

Sunday 17 May 2015

Word of the Day #23

Learn Japanese online easy
You're going to get two Japanese words again today since you're all so awesome. Given how hot the last word of the day was, I think we should cool off with the opposite word and cool off a bit.

Thursday 14 May 2015

Word of the Day #22

Learn Japanese online for free
Summer's coming up and it's time to let people know how you're feeling! I'm late giving you new Words of the Day and I'm going to make it up to you with two new Japanese words that will help you out this summer!

Tuesday 12 May 2015

Great Free Apps for Learning Japanese

How to Learn Japanese Apps
Since there was really good feedback to books for learning Japanese, I've decided to make another post for you on what I think are some great free apps for learning Japanese. I have used several apps to look at how people are trying to teach Japanese and I feel these apps offer the best learning experience for all levels of Japanese, are simple to use and understand, and are most importantly, free. They are in no particular order and all of them can benefit you depending on how you like to learn.

Saturday 9 May 2015

Days of the Week in Japanese

Days of the Week in Japanese

For the last 6 Word of the Day posts, you've been learning kanji that will help you write the days of the week in Japanese. By learning just one more kanji, you will be able to write out every day. I'll also show you some tips and tricks to memorize and use them in everyday life.

Friday 8 May 2015

Word of the Day #21

Free Japanese LessonsThe last 5 Word of the Day Japanese lessons have been preparing you on how to write the days of the week. This next character will be the last character you need to read and write days of the week in Japanese.

The Japanese word for today is "soil". This word also can mean "earth" or "ground" but always represents the idea of soil.

Kanji: 土
Kana: つち
Romaji: tsuchi


Kanji: 土にをやって下さい
Kana: つちにみずをやってください
Translation: Please water the soil.

After today, I will be trying a new format for the Word of the Day: Japanese lessons. I hope you all find them much more enjoyable and I look forward to hearing your feedback.

Wednesday 6 May 2015

Asking questions in Japanese

Learn Japanese grammar
The Japanese language has a different way of asking questions than in English and it is surprisingly simple. In some sentences, all it takes is adding one character to the end and you're using perfect Japanese grammar.

Lets try something simple like "Is this water?"

Monday 4 May 2015

Books for Learning Japanese

Japanese KanjiOne of the things I've been asked about is what study materials would I recommend so that you are able to go at your own pace. I looked through my old books and I've put together a list of books to learn Japanese that I feel will be very helpful for beginners.

Saturday 2 May 2015

Word of the Day #20

Learn Japanese Kanji for freeThe Japanese word for today is "Money". This word is another one of the Japanese words which will usually add お to the beginning as we saw with .

Kanji: 金
Kana: かね
Romaji: kane

Kanji: お金がありますか?
Kana: おかねがありますか?
Translation: Do you have money?